Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Stuff from Monday

At the mall I tried the typical Chilean hotdog. Fully loaded with avocado (which is on everything), a shit ton of mayo and tomatoes. After leaving the mall we met up with Ferni,  one of Alexis' friends from her first architectural school in Chile. We stopped at the Spanish Starbucks to meet Alexis' Mom, then we went to the Spanish Blockbuster and rented Spanish I Love You, Man.


 I'm not sure why bit the super markets here are pretty cool (and in all the malls). There are 2 main ones; Jumbo and Hyper Lider. From what I can tell Lider seems to be the higher end of the two but Jumbo seems to be a good place to get dress shirts on the cheap. I got mine for the bargain basement price of 4,000 Chilean Pesos, or about 8 bucks.

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