Saturday, June 5, 2010


On Thursday we heard that the ski season had opened a little earlier than normal so we got in Alexis' truck and headed about an hour outside of the city to the slope that had opened. We got a late start heading up there so there was no chance that we were going to get to do anything up there but look around but it was still really beautiful. I had never been to a ski slope so it was cool to get to see one.
The road heading up the mountain was long and winding. All of the sharp curves were numbered and there were 40 of them. Every year in November they hold a bike race from Santiago to the top of the mountain. 
Somewhere in that fog is Santiago
We were there for only an hour or so because we had to go eat dinner with some friends of the family whose daughter was going to New York for a few weeks. We ate at an Italian restaurant in one of the malls here . I had blue cheese and artichoke pizza and a chocolate brownie topped with manjar mousse. Awesome.

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