Saturday, June 5, 2010

No Time For A Clever Name

Tuesday, June 1 2010
Valparaiso, Chile
75mi NW of Santiago

Tuesday we spent the day at the beach in Valparaiso. It is the near the town where Alexis' Mom was raised and is one of has biggest ports in the country. It is also where the Navy and Chilean Congress is headquartered. We spent the first part of the afternoon walking around the hillside where most of the houses are located. The city is also one of the cultural centers on the country and because of all the immigrants in the city coming from all over the world the city has a variety of buildings that reflect this. The houses in the hills of the city are painted all different colors and the city has a large artistic community.
While we were walking around we came across a guy selling paintings of the city that he had done. He talked to us for about 15 minutes explaining all about his art and sounded really passionate but I couldn't understand most of what he said. Alexis' Mom bought 4 of his smaller paintings and we left to go get hot chocolate at Color Cafe. I don't drink a lot of hot chocolate so I got a hot tea instead. Alexis got a slice of banana pie and her mom got a piece of lemon pie. The banana pie was interesting but the lemon pie was really good. 
Inside Color Cafe

We left Valparaiso and drove along the water to Vina del Mar where Alexis' Mom was raised. The ocean was really beautiful and the waves were huge. There were people surfing even though the water had to be freezing. We ate at a place across from the ocean that sold fried empanadas.  I think it was a place that Alexis' Mom went to when she was a child. I had crab, shrimp and beef empanadas for lunch that were really good but had a lot of cheese in them.

On an unrelated note, when we driving into town sitting in traffic we saw a little boy in a bus licking the window.
I bet he eats his boogers too

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